It has been one whirlwind of a week! Not only have I been working 12-hour shifts at the group home, but James and I sold our condo and bought a new house within three days. We've been amazed at how God works to provide for us. The two verses that have really been standing out in my mind lately are "For from him and through him and to him are all things." (Romans 11:36a) and " all things god works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28). When James and I first listed our place, it seemed like we weren't getting anywhere. People came through, said it looked great, and then we'd never hear from them, no offers at all. At the same time, we were looking for places in Hamilton, and everything we saw was HORRIBLE! For awhile I thought that maybe we shouldn't have listed our place. So, I was praying that if God wanted us to move that he would bring as a buyer, and then we would start looking for a place in Hamilton, but decided not to waste anymore time looking if we weren't certain we needed to move. And sure enough, we received an offer for our place on Monday, looked through our new house on Wednesday, and signed the deal on Thursday.
While we were waiting, I was really dwelling on those two verses. All things come from God. And God works all things for good for us who are called according to his purpose. Therefore whatever happened, whether we moved, or stayed, would be from God, and would be good. And it is SO much better than we expected! Thanks be to God!