Life is good, and I am thankful. Thought I'd take a quick minute and tell all about my lovely weekend. Blogging is wierd, and I am aware that this is grandstanding to a degree, but, hello internet culture, apparently this is what we do.
Friday night I cooked a nice supper for St. James, who finally got his weekend off - no working, no emptying sheds out at our old house (which is officially no longer ours as of Friday - hooray for only owning 1 home!), no extra church responsibilities, no projects on the books at new house. Downside of cooking nice dinner in current home is that the only working oven in our house is in the basement. The kitchen is on the main floor. The woman we bought the house from had a summer kitchen of sorts in her basement (for canning etc, I'm assuming), so there was a second stove down there. Both that stove, and the stove in the kitchen, are probably around 50 years old. Stove in the kitchen died the second time we tried to use it. Not completely true - the oven died. The stove top still works. So, when cooking a meal that requires both, rather than just standing and stirring something at the stove top and then bending over when it's time to put something in the oven, or check on something in the oven, cooking in our house currently requires running up and down a flight of stairs to put things in the oven while hoping that the things on the stove upstairs are ok and that there's nothing on the counter that the dog is eating, and trusting that things in the stove downstairs are ok, 'cause if you expect I'm hauling my pregnant butt down there AGAIN just to check on the stinkin' whatever it is, you're wrong.
Where was I...Friday. Dinner with James (including pumpkin pie, because, I can be a good wife SOMETIMES), and chillin' in front of the TV - we got caught up on Glee and Ugly Betty. Good times.
Saturday. Baked for church fundraiser, then Maker's Market with Tracy and Sanda. Pretty things, good company, nice morning. Home to lunch with James, then had a nice visit with his parents, did some Locke St to look for Christmas presents (no luck), then to Ottawa St. to buy
diapers, then home to read a magazine/nap before heading out to go bowling with some peeps from church. We had a 6 yr. old with us, so we got bumpers in our gutters. The 6 yr. old beat me 2 out of 3 games. I blame the belly.
Sunday. Church - was good. I kind of sketched out the themes and sermon topics for our advent season this year, and it's a little wierd and nerve-wracking to anticipate a sermon preached by someone else based on your idease. You hope that they caught the gist of what you were trying to communicate in the short little write up you gave them. Matt did an awesome job of summing up my ideas and communicating them super well. Interested? You can listen
here. Afterwards, people came back to our place for lunch, and then we all just kind of lounged together for the afternoon, reading, knitting, playing video games, etc, until we received a dinner invite from James' brother, and we kicked our friends out of our house to go eat ribs. Mmmm. Then we hightailed it from there to Kitchener to hear a concert of
Steve Bell and the K-W Symphony Orchestra with my fam, which was fantastic. Steve Bell is probably my favourite singer/songwriter.
And now it is Monday morning. I am sitting in my jammers still (desparately in need of a shower), my kitchen still has dishes to be done from yesterday, and I have 2-3 loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away, so I should really get moving. So thankful to have had such a great weekend though. I feel rested and refreshed and ready for a Complete with a baby. You hear that kid? Time to come out...