*sigh of contentment*
It has been so nice to not have school or work demands this week, the first time in ages that has happened. My school year job ended last Friday, and my spring greenhouse job begins this Friday. I have one more exam that I'll need to spend a bit of time prepping for, but for the most part, this week is a holiday, and for that I am very glad!
Mom and I went to my aunt and uncle's house on Saturday night to join them for their Passover celebration, which I really enjoyed. I think often as Christians we overlook some of the important aspects of our faith heritage, and Passover is such a fantastic time of remembering God's powerful act on behalf of his people, the Israelites, and the way it looks forward to the coming of our Messiah. The exciting part of this year's Passover dinner was that, because of my Hebrew studies this year, I was able to participate in the asking of the questions by the youngest in Hebrew! It was slow and choppy, but I got through it. It was nice to be able to go and with Mom and not worry about what I should have been doing for school.
Yesterday I spent some much anticipated (and needed) time in the yard, raking and cleaning up the flower beds. I'm not so sure I'm a gardener though...especially when I have no idea what's in those beds, since this is our first spring here. I haven't a clue what's weed and what's not, and after a (short) while I didn't really want to be weeding anymore. Today I planted pansies in the hanging baskets we bought last fall, something I've been wanting to do since the moment we bought the house. They look pretty!
I have been thoroughly enjoying the slower pace of this week. Today Charlie and I sat on the porch with a coffee, and read my Bible, the newspaper, and just sat and watched my world. It was good. I was also able to make a nice lunch for James and I, and supper for James to take to work. These are small things, but it's so nice to just be able to do them!
Tomorrow we're going to do the big basement clean out. I'm looking forward to it - it's still full of things (many, many, many things) that belonged to the previous owner. It will be nice to have them out, be able to clean the space, and then organize it to store our stuff. Hopefully it's not rainy!
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