Newsflash: It's July. This is a very good thing. Mostly, because it means June is over, and June was madness. I am enjoying reclaiming my time and space from the overcommittedness that was June. I also got a new day book that started in July, and it has been a good good thing. I have been spending much of my adult life searching for the perfect daybook, and I just may have found it. It has both a month at a glance calendar, and a weekly lay out that has 1/2 hour time slots for each day of the week. Which I have actually been using, and this means that I am actually exercising, actually praying, actually eating a meal with my husband, actually cleaning my house, actually meeting friends at times that make sense and not just because they called me up and I felt guilty. Actually enjoying my life. It's gooooood.
Also good? I met my midwife today, FINALLY!, and she's great, and I think we're a good match. There's something about walking in to a room and facing another freckled red-headed, glasses wearing, orange wearing free-spirited person nursing a baby in a sling that makes you think "We just might have something in common" (even if it's all externalities). I definitely felt most comfortable with her compared to the other midwives who did my earlier appointments, so that's good. Perhaps it's just the knowledge that she will actually be my midwife, and not just a fill-in that made me more comfortable, but, either way, I was happy, and that is good.
Baby is also good. I have not gained any weight, and am hardly showing which I was a bit concerned about, but, she said not to worry, so, I'll try not to. I heard the heartbeat again, it's a healthy 145 beats per minute, and she seemed pleased with everything, so that's good. Next up - ultrasound! 3 weeks away. Looking forward to it!
Another good thing? Our house. It's clean. And organized. And almost ready to sell, which is relieving, considering I'd like to be moved and settled before I am massively pregnant, and getting the house ready to sell is one step closer to that. A few minor repairs/painting, and we'll be ready to put the sign up. And hopefully find a new house soonish.
Finally, I leave you with a website recommendation. It's brilliant. It's a blog/website with advice on home management and family and other good stuff. They've just started a "back to basics" of home management series which I'm really excited about. It's just full of practical good stuff that makes you feel good, and the main editor is a Christian, which is also neat. Check it!
YAY good midwife experience!! :D