Monday, June 14


So, there's a huge bunch of books for sale at Assembly.  I told myself going into it that James and I could each buy one book.

And then they had a sale on that was buy four get the fifth free.

And then there was a sixth that James really wanted and wasn't too expensive so we bought it too.  But separately from our 5 'cause then we wouldn't get one of the more expensive ones free.

And then there was the book that I really wanted but restrained myself not to get and James bought for me later when I wasn't there and gave to me when we got home.

So, basically, we need to get reading around here, 'cause if we're gonna spend that much crazy money on books, we'd better become smarter better people.

Here's what we got:

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart

The Great Omission, Dallas Willard

Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge, Dallas Willard

A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That are Transforming the Faith, Brian McLaren

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, N.T. Wright

Gathering for Worship: Patterns and Prayers for the Community of Disciples, The Baptist Union of Great Britain

and one other one that was something about The Church of Facebook or something about social network culture and church or something.  James took it with him on the cow caper. 


  1. Ohhh I love Wright. I took a course on the Theology of the Resurrection last year, and one of his books was our main text (The Resurrection of the Son of God) - it was good, but definitely very text-book-y. I also bought his Surprised by Hope which is a lot more accessible... and pretty darn amazing. Let me know when you get through your new stack, and I'll lend it to you. (And you can lend me Simply Christian!) :)


  2. Those are some great books. By the way, we had the same problem and we came home with ten. I really enjoyed the Willard book Knowing Christ Today. I wrote a review of it in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry if you are interested.

  3. I wanna hear what you think of the N.T. Wright one. That's on my list.


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