James just found a journal I thought I had lost the last time I was at camp for the summer (2008). I was so glad he came across it - I had been reading Richard Foster's Freedom of Simplicity that summer and had written many, many quotes from it in my journal. It is jam packed with life-giving concepts. Read it. We decided that we are going to read it together over the next little while.
Here's the quote that jumped out at me tonight as I thumbed through what I had written in my journal:
Develop close friendships and enjoy long evenings of serious and hilarious conversation. Such times are far more rewarding than all the plastic entertainment that the commerical world triest to foist upon us. Value music, art, books, significant travel. If you are too busy to read, you are too busy. Discover prayer as evening entertainment. (Freedom of Simplicity, 154)
Oh, Richard. You are so wise. His book is full of little nuggets like that. Seriously, you should read it. (I just used the word "nuggets" to refer to something other than chicken. I think that puts me in the old fogey category).
I haven't blogged in ages. Remember that week that I was being crazy productive AND blogging about it? Yeah, that can only last so long. Last week I opted just for the productive part. The kitchen DID get done, I'll post pictures sometime. Other headlining news: I started scrapbooking and crocheting (fun!), my easy baby has started fussing multiple times a day and won't sleep, and I developed mastitis.
I will have to read that book. I love to journal... although lately I haven't been doing it as much. I will have to make more time to do it. Thanks for the blog. It was very refreshing! God bless you. And although you don't want to hear it, the best way to get rid of Mastitis is to nurse more until it is cleared. :)