Sunday, February 13

Valentine's Reads

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

I have great memories of Valentine's Days growing up.  

My dad always bought 3 bouquets; one for my mom, and one for my sister and I.
I always felt so special.
(You'd be hard-pressed to find a father who does a better job of affirming his daughters' value.)

And so, because I think that Valentine's is a bit over-blown when it comes to creating unrealistic romantic expectations that can actually produce more strain on a relationship than benefit it -
And 'cause I think that kids can ALWAYS benefit from hearing that they're loved in a special way -
And 'cause I was realizing just how many children's books we have on love - 
I thought I'd share with you some great books to tuck your kids into with on Valentine's Day.

I Love You Through and Through

A fun little read about all of the parts of a wee person his parents love.  Part of our nightly bedtime routine.


A fun, interactive book about kisses.  
(With a free song download, apparently - I'll have to look into that!)

I Love You, Little One

A heartwarming book about the way that parents express their love for their little ones.

Consider Love: Its Moods and Many Ways

This one is more about romantic love, exploring all of the different attitudes and attributes it can have.  
Very cute, and great illustrations.
(I'm taking it to work with me tomorrow with some goodies to put on the lunchroom table)

...and, no list would be complete without

Guess How Much I Love You

Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare try to find ways to describe how big their love is for one another.  Big Nutbrown Hare always seems to find a way to express his love just a little bit more...

Whatever else you do to celebrate this Valentine's Day,
 if you have kids, make sure they go to bed knowing you 
love them to the moon...

...and back



  1. i have i love you through and through memorized and a copy for each chlid! and we are reading that one at laira's valentine's day party!

  2. Great books Rachel!
    I bought "I Love You Through & Through" for Andrew for our first anniversary - and now we read it to Annie all the time. :)

  3. your forgetting, runaway bunny, and loveyou forever by robert munch, as well as the kissing hand


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